Beliefs and Values
Not to be confused with religious beliefs, this topic includes the belief of the overall culture and is not as individualized as religion.
Men and women are, generally, treated equally. Both men and women have been in active political and intellectual seats. In fact, in 1932 Puerto Rico elected the first female legislator in the Western Hemisphere, MarÃa Luisa Arcelay .
Family life is considered a core cultural value and is seen as a reliable system of support. It is not uncommon for the elderly to live with their children or grandchildren when they have reached an age where they can no longer take care of themselves without support. In fact, it would be rude to even consider a nursing home. Family members often visit each other, write letters, and call one another to maintain frequent contact. Individual wealth and achievement is considered to be not as important as family loyalty.
Being direct with someone is considered rude. To avoid this, many people use euphemisms or other subtle gestures to convey meaning. This is not as neccessary when around friends, but is still used. Friends usually greet one another with a kiss on the cheek.